214831 Gratitude
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Updated: Aug 11, 2022

I have learned the second highest vibrational frequency in this world is that of gratitude, second only to love. Love and gratitude – the two greatest forces in this world, forces for good, forces for empowerment, forces for healing, forces for inspiration, forces for freedom and liberation.

But let me ask you, how often do you actually operate from a conscious state of love and gratitude? In your day-to-day life, how often do you intentionally express love and gratitude, towards yourself and to others?   It takes time and effort to train your mind and your heart to be able to calm your physical body temple to enter into a state of love and gratitude. But as you practice making this your default state of being, everything in your life will change.   So, let me ask you, today, in this very moment, as you read this message, what are you grateful for?

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