214831 Entrepreneur Impact Report | MICHEAL MCCATHERN
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Entrepreneur Impact Report

Weekly Entrepreneur Networking Impact Teaching

  • 249 US dollars
  • Virtual

Service Description

This report is designed to help provide you with insight into how you are wired as an entrepreneur and how it relates to maximizing your entrepreneurial ability and effectiveness.  Successful entrepreneurs continuously maximize their abilities in seven key areas. 1. Their ability to build relationships and influence others 2. Their ability to market themselves and their message effectively 3. Their ability to add value to others based on what others value, want, need and desire 4. Their ability to lead from their natural gifting and develop them into strengths 5. Their ability to equip others and build a team 6. Their ability to sell themselves, solve problems, supply a want or serve a need 7. Their ability to continually grow themselves and their business

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or rescheduled please call in 24hrs.

Contact Details



Virtual Office 3028 Jamestown Drive, Gastonia, NC, USA

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